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@ftrain Hold up. You’re leaving out a vital detail here, which is that it’s also the most advanced. The fact that it’s the eleventh is practically irrelevant compared to that.

It’s called the Agreeing With Charlie Method and it has the potential to streamline many aspects of our society.

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Reflecting once again on how much more pleasant and illuminating online discourse would be if people simply put aside their self-regard and took the time – before commenting on anything – to sit down and learn to see everything exactly as I do.

computer programming 

Donne’s “Batter my heart” but about the numpy broadcasting rules.

@doriantaylor There’s this story that Kissinger, in Beijing 1972, asked Zhōu Ēnlái what he thought of the French Revolution, and Zhōu said “It’s too soon to tell.” Kissinger told this story as an example of taking the long view. But later accounts suggest that the question was translated as referring to the 1968 protests in France. Either way, when it comes to whether CSS was a mistake, I think it’s too soon to tell.

@doriantaylor I suspect some of this was a product of 512×384 screens. Classic constraint stuff.

@KiwiHellenist Are you the person who pointed out, on Twitter years ago, that bematists were probably not literally counting steps as their primary mode of surveying? If so, I appreciated that, and I hope that idea makes an appearance in this series.

Like you know the friend who’s always complaining about a certain kind of bad social interaction? And sometimes (not always) it becomes clear that they are just bad at that kind of interaction? I feel like 15% of the internet by volume is that.

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If someone keeps finding themselves in the kind of circumstance where where they have to say a certain kind of thing – different circumstances and the same thing over and over again – consider that they may possibly be the ones putting themselves in that circumstance because they like saying the thing.

When I say “consider” here I really mean just consider. Don’t assume bad faith. Very much don’t discount people who are stuck in systemic traps. But some people, on some topics, sometimes….

@migurski I have kind of vague plans to revisit such things, but there are many annoying little decisions between here and there.

@midendian (Also, some of them pretty clearly have angle dependencies on temperature, where a mounting expands slightly or whatever.)

@midendian I think this would be totally practical for at least some of them. Just realigning them before averaging would give you some benefit from the high-end ones, certainly.

Back from vacation and attending to important chores such as averaging big stacks of images from webcams to see if they look neat.

There's so much happening now with next generation Covid vaccines, that I'm planning more frequent updates.

New update today @PLOS:


* details on the US Project NextGen
* positive early clinical results for Gritstone's "variant-proof" Covid vax
* more preclinical results for pancoronavirus vaxes - including an intranasal one
* more clinical trial data on 2 mucosal vaxes

Plus, Indonesia & Morocco bring the number of countries rolling out mucosal vaccine to 6.

@aegir It’s fine, and most of the skin will grow back by the next time I need to shave anyway.

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.