@hugo Would listen to a podcast just about the coinage of the Cook Islands.
@robinsonmeyer Why am I such a good person? It’s because I’m always trying to pay off the debt I owe to fortune, which gave me the inestimable gift of membership in the one nationality that can joke about itself, and be joked about, in a completely normal way.
@kgjenkins Want more quality science? Smash that like button and join our Patreon!
Like I can totally see both the “AI now corrects itself, is unstoppable; how does this affect bitcoin?” headlines and the “Yes, I spent all of March calling people credulous fools for not knowing that self-correction is the exclusive purview of ensouled life, but nevertheless this is Just Math” takes and I wish we could just skip that part of everything.
As long as I’m in a listy mood, this language model that backspaces out of dead ends is interesting because:
1. It’s an example of something categorically less interesting than the pro-LLM camp is going to claim, and more interesting than the anti-LLM camp wants to talk about; that gap seems important.
2. It points toward the text diffusion models I keep trying to subtly warn people are probably coming without saying so explicitly, oops, backspace backspace backspace.
@guncelawits Bullshit. No one’s a better cook than Fritz. Blocking you now.
It’s the time of year when you can see a little dab of blue on the far edge of the arctic sea ice. https://botsin.space/@dscovr_epic/110580368514917463
1. From the abstract, I think the actual article is much less about blaming scientists for policy failures than the headlines make it sound.
2. I can’t read past the abstract of this article on interpreting science for public use because it’s paywalled.
@nasser The one thing I actually want AR for is that every time I see a pasta its name should hover above it, and every time someone mentions a pasta I should see a little picture of it over their head. I’m never going to make a flash card with cellentani on it. Other than that, AR is pretty irrelevant to me.
Anyway, if anyone out there is thinking about developing pollen allergies, I guess my advice is to have a pretty careful think about it before you make the leap. Might not be as fun as you’ve been told.
Basically it seems like if there’s a window open I cough. This creates some difficulties because I like fresh air and dislike running the AC.
@beep If you think we don’t give the cat a little French accent when she’s in these moods (“lahf ees sheet … even le neck skritches ’ave become a ’atefool degradation … zees fookeeng birds viz ze chorp chorp chorp, zey know nossing, nossing … [takes a lazy drag on her cat cigarette]”), you’re being naïve.
@falxcerebri I’ve just been drinking a glug of the aftershave every day to build up a resistance. I can’t live in fear of things that happen to smell like the odor equivalent of the THX sound. It seems to help to wait until just before I want to nap anyway, because I usually get pretty dizzy.
Cover of a high school Earth science textbook–ass picture. https://botsin.space/@dscovr_epic/110572308644962989
@ftrain No one cared when it was just small polyhedra.
@kissane The masses yearn for some hypothetical third thing that sits between “complete ignorance of how our vital systems work and fail” and “irreversibly subscribed to the flamewar mailing list for every tool you use”.
@ftrain This kind of attitude leads to a lot of problems, frankly. First you should be asking whether science SHOULD produce the elusive 12th sphere.
You know him on the internet. Eucalypt-adjacent; very occasional writer. Consulting and passively looking for work in geospatial, image processing, and related fields.