
new project!

wherein I track the receding shoreline of the Salton Sea, combining a 2007 bathymetric survey alongside 2023 and 2024 shorelines, collected by an ultramarathon runner who circles the shoreline annually to track each year's decline

@nelson yes I can’t believe they still had water in their marina in 2007

@binx awkward formatting but here's someone's personal memory of the place in its heydey. Reminds me a bit of Lake Havasu City.

@binx Beautiful! btw, if you haven't seen it there's a fun documentary about the place, some history and mostly the people who live there.

@nelson yes it’s so good! haha we do a lot of navel-gazing doc watching out here

@binx But can I get jewellery made from it? :)

I love that someone is running around it and tracking the data that way!

@paulmison oooh, very cool! this year I’ve been hanging with the historical society out here, it’s so wild to see how developed & popular it was 50+ years ago

@binx so all the rain of the last couple of years did nothing? I’d have thought it would have reversed the decline a bit, but perhaps it has fallen in other areas?

@kazys the rain hasn’t changed the situation much because the volume of rain is minuscule compared to the flooding that fills it

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.