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I wish more people who are worried about FOSS supply side attacks would realize that universal basic income and free healthcare would result in an almost infinite stream of excellent software from people who care more about quality than profit.

new project!

wherein I track the receding shoreline of the Salton Sea, combining a 2007 bathymetric survey alongside 2023 and 2024 shorelines, collected by an ultramarathon runner who circles the shoreline annually to track each year's decline

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Don’t fuck with moon dust. No seriously, do not fuck with moon dust.

Absent any moisture or atmosphere, millennia of asteroid impacts have turned lunar regolith (soil) into a fine powder of razor sharp, glass-like particles. What’s more, the solar wind imparts an electric charge on the dust, causing it to cling to any and every surface it touches through static electricity. On earth, sand tends to get smoother over time as wind and water tumble the grains about, eroding their sharpness. Not so on the moon – lunar dust is sharp and deadly. This is
Not A Good Time if you’re an explorer looking to visit our celestial neighbor.

During Apollo, the astronauts faced a plethora of unexpected issues caused by dust. It clung to spacesuits and darkened them enough that exposure to sunlight overheated the life support systems. Dust got in suit joints and on suit visors, damaging them. It ate away layers of boot lining. It covered cameras. Upon returning to the cabin, astronauts attempting to brush it off damaged their suit fabric and sent the dust airborne, where it remained suspended in the air due to low gravity.

Inhaling moon dust causes mucus membranes to swell; every Apollo astronaut who stepped foot on the moon reported symptoms of “Lunar Hay Fever.” Sneezing, congestion, and a “smell of burnt gunpowder” took days to subside. Later Apollo missions even sent a special dust brush with the team to help clean each other and equipment. We don’t know exactly how dangerous the stuff is, but lunar regolith simulants suggest it might destroy lung and brain cells with long-term exposure.

In fact the dust is so nasty that it destroyed the vacuum seals of sample return containers. We no longer have any accurate samples of lunar dust, “Every sample brought back from the moon has been contaminated by Earth’s air and humidity […] The chemical and electrostatic properties of the soil no longer match what future astronauts will encounter on the moon.”

Whats worse, the solar-charged dust gets thrown up off the moon’s surface via electrostatic forces. The moon doesn’t technically have an atmosphere, but it does have a thin cloud of sharp dust itching to cling to anything it can find.

And it probably isn’t just the moon. “A 2005 NASA study listed 20 risks that required further study before humans should commit to a human Mars expedition, and ranked "dust" as the number one challenge.”

The coolest solution I’ve heard about in next-gen spacesuit design is a mesh of woven wires layered into the suit. When activated, the wire mesh would form an anti-static electric field that repels dust. Quite literally a force field.
#astronomy #apollo #moon #lunardust

Hello Mastoverse - I am looking for full-time work!

I'm a full-stack developer with a focus on data visualization and UI/UX. I love to partner with subject matter experts, building upon their research to create tools for a broad audience. I work well with data science teams to translate models, metrics, and analytics into full-fledged web applications.

Please reach out if you know of any companies where this would be a good fit!

new blog post about how there's too much admin work in tech companies these days & why devs should care about project management more

thrilled to announce that I am running a high-end tumbleweed gallery in Marfa TX

does anyone have good website inspo to share? I'm looking to make a mock gallery website, something that looks high-end and super on-trend

:) I’m visiting my grandma and she has one of the original gifpops :)

binx boosted

Tethys lives! Researchers propose gravity anomaly under Indian Ocean is the ghost of the long-subducted Tethys Ocean. I studied some bivalves native to Tethys and mourn their fossils possibly subducted into the mantle 🫡

ahhh holy shit so cool, 19k more seamounts added to our collective knowledge, via radar satellite analysis.

this also says that only 25% of the ocean floor has been mapped by sonar… which honestly strikes me as high?

loving this essay about dystopias as a genre & why they are seductive disassociation from real-world problems. I was a dystopia junkie until a few years ago — I hadn't really been able to put my finger on why I abruptly stopped reading them, but I think this points at the underlying reasons.

Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.