@ingrid 🥹
posted my 2024 reading list!
as always, if you have any recent books to recommend, lmk :)
Scientists zero in on the probability of when space will forever become an area forbidden to humans. If launches continue at the pace they currently are at, it will occur in this lifetime. https://robertvanwey.substack.com/p/the-imminence-of-the-destruction
@jam yayyy I’m so happy to hear it!
@ranjit thank you!! I’m super pleased with the quality of them
thanks for the plug — unfortunately Stripe changed their data model since I wrote Beluga, and my store template no longer works. Shipping is unfortunately the #1 reason to pay for Shopify instead of rolling your own store, you won't be able to compete with their postage prices or integration.
@beep :D they’re so good!! super soft and high-quality
I am pleased to announce a new project: custom-knit sweaters and pen-plotter prints, designed from my dithered cloud art!
I've been collecting cloud photos for the last few years and applying a modified dithering algorithm to create these designs — combine that with a programmable knitting machine, and you get these custom sweaters!
@mez oh yeah, we are good friends! :)
@kazys the rain hasn’t changed the situation much because the volume of rain is minuscule compared to the flooding that fills it
@paulmison oooh, very cool! this year I’ve been hanging with the historical society out here, it’s so wild to see how developed & popular it was 50+ years ago
@nelson yes I can’t believe they still had water in their marina in 2007
@nelson yes it’s so good! haha we do a lot of navel-gazing doc watching out here
new project! https://shrinkingsaltonsea.com
wherein I track the receding shoreline of the Salton Sea, combining a 2007 bathymetric survey alongside 2023 and 2024 shorelines, collected by an ultramarathon runner who circles the shoreline annually to track each year's decline
@ravigupta yes I am