been trying to find "critical GIS" writing that actually gets into the political economy and history of the technology--like more than repeating Esri's own hagiography and more than a generalized gesture at "maps are tools of empire" and not sure if this is a me problem or what

@ingrid Nicholas de Monchaux up at MIT could be a great source?

@ingrid …he’s pretty clued in to the stuff that ESRI was building from like SYMAP. I’ve just been face-first in DIME & TIGER/Line for the past couple days and the whole 1960s New Haven Census scene is worth a look. Stace Maples at Stanford might be your source for that.


@migurski man I owe you a call anyway about all the current weird stuff in maps--is email the best way to schedule something or should I DM?

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Horsin' Around

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