
the "go see a psychiatrist, I hate the psychiatrist" song in Forgetting Sarah Marshall, but it's me not wanting to read more theory

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can't believe after all these years I'm becoming a goddamn Marxist geographer

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I hesitate to claim the title of anarchist geographer not because I dislike anarchism so much as the other anarchist geographers seem to be more into Proudhon than I'd like lol

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@ingrid social science equivalent of everything evolving into a crab

@ingrid “The Marxist Geographer” is one of my favorite Olivia Tremor Control songs

@ingrid I started writing something on Graeber and Fragments and histories of anarchism and anthropology, and one of my conclusions so far is that early anarchist anthropology—and social science as a whole—was mostly actually geography. Élisée Reclus, early Kropotkin. You might even make a case that geographers rescued (elite, intellectual) anarchism from Proudhon!

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Horsin' Around

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