
Love that feeling when my advisor tells me to read a bunch of Marxist theory and then instead I find something by David Graeber that explains it perfectly

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@ingrid I felt like a dumbass through my geog MA because I had an exceptionally poor grasp of theory in a sea of smarties—it turns out accessible pubs and ereaders are what my visually impaired ass needed (and distance from abusive faculty members who caused me to question all my instincts)

@ingrid I was GIS and data-smart but back then I was taught to not see those as meaningful skills

@ingrid I really should read/listen more to Graeber. Is it him or Fisher who's the doomer though?

@pettter Fisher is much more doomy; Graeber really approached life as a carnival most of the time

@ingrid That just pushed him further up the list, then, thanks :)

@ingrid i misread that as "[city of] Marxism, Oklahoma", thanks

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