
AI shitpost 

a "Godfather of AI" implies a Fredo of AI

· · Web · 1 · 6 · 15

AI shitpost 

@Wolven I've never actually seen The Godfather

AI shitpost 

@ingrid okay then just imagine elon trying to do Mob stuff

AI shitpost 

@Wolven oh ok I thought Fredo was the one who had to destroy the ring this makes more sense

AI shitpost 

@ingrid no no that's FROLO, with his whole long trek and the tension between incorruptibility and temptation

AI shitpost 

@misc @ingrid you want the evil priest from the hunchback of Notre Dame? Weird, but okay.

AI shitpost 

@Wolven @ingrid The heart wants what it wants.

AI shitpost 

@ingrid @misc no, that's the online project management platform with multi-user operability and moveable card space

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.