
It's fun living with a software engineer who's never touched geospatial stuff and explaining things like the standard file format for spatial data in the industry is actually four files in a zip and watching the will to live drain from his eyes

@ingrid "Four files in a zip" sounds pretty straightforward for a geospatial document format.

I wonder if your software engineer has managed to avoid having to deal with Java jars, PDFs, and Docker images. Or .docx and .xlsx in Microsoft land.

@jmeowmeow @ingrid I've seen things you people wouldn't believe 🥲

@ingrid I laughed and thought "and if you think date math is weird, lemme tell you about projections..."

But also: satellites don't use standard file formats. The kludges I used to map and animate geos-west wildfire imagery are so esoteric that people at CalFire and USGS had never seen it done.

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.