
work, dog, pol 

I was feeling bad for not getting enough work done today and only just realized that in addition to my dog recovering from an injury I'm also just depressed about the world and maybe it's not my work ethic!! hahaha this sucks but good to not feel like a total shit lol

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work, dog, pol 

@ingrid also your mom just had surgery!? I mean not like last week but pretty recently and that was a big caregiving thing to gear up for, added strains around meds, etc. so this is just your reminder that that doesn’t just go away because it wasn’t last week or something.

work, dog, pol 

@platypus this is also a good point, also the surgery was like two weeks after I defended my master's thesis

work, dog, pol 

@ingrid that’s a lot!!

(I’m also bad at keeping track of like how recent things have been)

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.