
going through old diaries and vacillating between "destroy these, they are so cringe" and "future generations need to understand that keeping a diary is incredibly cringe"

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help I'm being haunted by the ghosts of cringemas past present and future

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@ingrid I feel like this (keeping a diary being cringe) might be one of those things every new generation must work out for its self in its own way.

@ingrid I have an archive of my entire livejournal and will never ever show it to another person by choice.

@Wolven found a page in...2018?...where I just wrote "corn cobs" in all caps and nothing else, what the hell

@ingrid A few years back I thought I might try to port my first blog’s archives over to my current website, just to have everything canonically linked under one domain, I read exactly one half of an old post and immediately noped out of the idea lol

@ingrid it is safe and secure in a directory on my computer, and said directory is triple-ringed with salt and various wards

@beep @ingrid

Full disclosure: I’m currently Wayback Machine’ing an old 2002–2006 website.

@ingrid future generations need to know how cringe your diaries were


The truth. The bitter truth.

Diaries are like air purifiers, but for self-reflective cringe. We need to express those doubts and ideas to get them out of our mind. Once expressed, they needs to be wrapped up and put away.

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This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.