new RIP Corp and it's a doozy IMO! we took on the history of Fairchild Semiconductor, which is usually told as one of triumph and innovation---which is part of it, but only like the first decade of the company. We get into the everything else of its 59-year history.

@ingrid Even though you did not mention us, I learned more about my employer from this episode than from anything I’ve read (or written) that was explicitly about us.

@ingrid You’re telling the story of the money with which Caltech was built! It’s obvious that universities sit in networks of philanthropy & thus wealth & thus industry, but Caltech more than most can trace a lot of its wealth to a specific network of men—Beckman, Fairchild, Moore. (& Jay Last’s print collection is a mile down the road at the Huntington.) I think we know a lot more about how federal funding shaped science (at least during its rapid Cold War growth) than how private funding did…

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.