
ph, chest infection vibes 

I've been sick with a not-covid hell virus for a little over a week and last night/this morning the coughing got so bad that I was coughing up mucus with little flecks of blood in it. Technically I am doing "better" insofar as I don't have a fever anymore but coughing up blood seems like a bad trajectory? I am so tired

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ph, chest infection vibes 

update: they gave me antibiotics on the off chance I actually have whooping cough? haha

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ph, chest infection vibes 

@ingrid 😩 I'm sorry. I hope it continues evolving past that.

ph, chest infection vibes 

@ingrid oh no. I hope you feel better soon. My household had something like this in March and it took about a full month for it to finally go away.

ph, chest infection vibes 

@karengregory ooof a whole month sounds horrifying

ph, chest infection vibes 

@ingrid it was like mini-pneumonia. get a lot of rest and water!

ph, chest infection vibes, something which I may not know you well enough to say 

Oh geez, I hope you can get that checked out and treated, and that it's something less serious than tuberculosis.

ph, chest infection vibes, something which I may not know you well enough to say 

@benlk one hypothesis: whooping cough!

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.