truly incredible to be more afraid of a potential AI superintelligence than of actually existing ExxonMobil

@ingrid "AGI is just corporations but digital" is apparently an actual meme (the serious kind) in the AI ethics community.

@immibis huh I'm familiar with AGI is just corporations but not the second half

@ingrid well AGI isn't made up of people sending faxes to each other, is it?

@immibis I mean, what is an LLM if not the consequence of thousands of people engaged in tedious labor? The gap between labeling and emails seems small to me. (I'm mostly joking but do kind of think adding "digital" is superfluous)

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@ingrid @immibis “but digital” makes sense to me because at some level corporate decision making is a human effort. It’s flawed in human ways that we understand, and we can target blame (legal structures notwithstanding).

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.