mental health (positive, kinda)
I check in with my psychiatrist like once a year to make sure nothing's weird with the medications I've been on for like five years and this time she was like "you're really doing great!" which was not how I'd been interpreting my current situation but I guess when I explain it to someone who met me at one of my absolute lowest points it's a different vibe
mental health (positive, kinda)
@aredridel the last time we checked in I said something like "it really feels like things are just going to stay bad for a really long time" and she replied "oh, definitely"
mental health (positive, kinda)
@ingrid I like her. Honesty gets points.
mental health (positive, kinda)
@aredridel she's the best psychiatrist I've ever seen
mental health (positive, kinda)
@ingrid big “good job with the mentally ill, now you’re just in a sick society” energy