
this should not be a spicy world politics take and yet 

ethnostates are a bad idea that produce horrific outcomes for everyone and it's weird that a bunch of people make an exception for exactly one

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Either that or ethnostates produce good results and we are all in denial, but Israel is not in denial (and therefore, is envied by many).

Ethnostates work. Diversity is a horror.

@amerika @ingrid israel isn't an ethnostate. if they were, they wouldn't be fighting a war right now

@locus @ingrid

They are striving to be one despite the rest of the world shooting guilt packets at them.

@amerika @ingrid they'd have done better to literally genocide the Palis Turkish-style and have done with it. Muslims would've declared war regardless, so might as well.
@ingrid it's only horrific when creating one. once it's done, it's great for the people living there.
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