
running low on perfect sentences this week because I had covid, if anyone wants to get in some last minute nominations please send them my way

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@ingrid some good ones from The Last Unicorn:

The sky was hot and curdled; the sun had already melted into a lion-colored puddle

He says that there is no such thing as a cat—it is just a shape that all manner of imps, hobs, and devilkins like to put on, to gain easy entrance into the homes of men.

"But I am a cat, and no cat anywhere ever gave anyone a straight answer."

@ingrid and one from At Amberleaf Fair by Phyllis Ann Karr:

Rain started falling once more, or the kettle prepared to boil, or both.

@ingrid Too topical? — “Grazer could not be immediately reached for comment, as she is a wild animal living in a remote national park in Alaska”

@ingrid A.R. Moxon, "Hurting the Right People":

"It seems to me we have to see these anti-human spirits wherever they are on the move, and cast them and their promoters into disrepute; recognize the ideas they generate, and demand better ideas, founded in solidarity, informed by abundance."

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.