A spicy political take 

My boldest take is that America doesn't actually have a "left" in any cohesive politically organized sense and it's weird to complain about "the left" or "leftists" as a single group

What most people call "the left" in media and analysis is either progressive Democrats (who are a minority within their own party) or People on Social Media Who Disagree With Them (hold leftist values/have leftist praxis but don't actually constitute a mass political party or organizing force)


A spicy political take 

@dymaxion fair! it is spicy for those who still believe that "the left" is a national scale actor somehow, I guess?

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A spicy political take 

@ingrid @dymaxion Heh, yeah. The people who are politically active but somehow have not like, heard of McCarthy.

A spicy political take 

@ingrid @dymaxion just a bogeyman to scare Fox News viewers and a scapegoat to blame Dem losses on, tbh

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Horsin' Around

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