
Stipple of a hillshade of Tahoma.

The point placing algorithm is freely adapted from @BartWronski’s version of Ahmed, Ren, and Wonka’s stippling:

The data is from the WA lidar portal:

The hillshade is a mean of 1,000 angles from which the sun actually illuminates Tahoma over the year. (None of that top-left stuff for me, thanks.)

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@vruba this is lovely. Makes me want to model the points as little spheres (on a plane? Floating according to height? IDK, it just invites play.)

@hans Yes! I also wonder about adjusting it with simulated annealing. I’m sure someone’s already tried that in the literature, but why not try again?

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.