Writing some tests and unfortunately they have turned up a bunch of bugs.

Did several big tasks so it's frog weights time as a reward! The Bronze Age Mesopotamians created a standard weight system for trade going from really small weights to larger ones. This weight standard lasted for at least 3000 years across huge chunks of the globe. Standard ones looked like this:

Also, Hilbert’s hat in the classic portrait makes him look exactly like the person you grew up with who was trying really hard to be a lifestyle influencer in 2018. Filmed from behind walking up to an overlook in Yosemite, etc. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Hi

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Difficult to explain how perfectly balanced Wikipedia’s portrait of Will Shetterly and Emma Bull is between (a) Troi and Riker at the midpoint of TNG and (b) and “We saw you from across the bar and really dig your vibe. Interested in joining our shared folkpunk universe?” en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Wil

Anyone out there using harmonized Landsat sentinel data? I'm finding some weird things where some assets are scaled and others not, is this a known issue? #rspatial #remotesensing

Imagining if norovirus had been described in Normal IL instead of Norwalk OH and you could say “I can’t come in to work because I have normalvirus.”

Staying up another half an hour because someone (me) got weird with the epoch length.

How different can two reasonable pansharpening algorithms be? Pretty different in pathological cases like planes in flight. Left is from Maxar, right is from Potato (the thing I’ve been tinkering with). Same underlying data, from the Maxar Open Data Program, CC BY-NC.

Comparing it to C, a language where the usual error handling mechanism is “rename some integers to things in all caps that start with the letter E and insert them in-band”, a system that a dead iguana could see the problems with, seems almost unfair.

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Rust feels like it’s designed by people who actually care about what they’re doing and have paid full attention, which is the highest praise I can imagine giving software tooling.

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If you’d asked me a month ago I would have said I simply do not have fun writing in low-level languages, but I would have secretly thought: The actual problem is C, a bad language that is unpleasant to deal with. Now I feel the same way but am more confident in it.

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Wrote a small amount of Rust over the holidays and, oddly, enjoyed it?

An analogy for what people are doing when they treat consumer imaging hardware like it’s perfect when it shows “orbs” or whatever: If you turn the volume way up on recordings made with even very high-quality audio hardware, you hear a hiss, which proves invisible hissing aliens are everywhere.

This German meme was just brought to my attention and I feel obligated to reshare it here

Frohe Weihnachten

“1. Select the data type and date.
2. Download the PDF and print it on your printer.
3. Create a globe according to the instructions on the paper.”


I am supposed to tell children that Santa Claus is real, but I am not supposed to tell them that I know this to be true because I have personally seen his bones in a museum in Turkey.



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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.