Staying up another half an hour because someone (me) got weird with the epoch length.

How different can two reasonable pansharpening algorithms be? Pretty different in pathological cases like planes in flight. Left is from Maxar, right is from Potato (the thing I’ve been tinkering with). Same underlying data, from the Maxar Open Data Program, CC BY-NC.

One of them has been sitting on the top of the curtain rod over my desk, carefully wedged in place with magnets and a makeshift ground plane.

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I have come to a place in some personal-project code where I need to use skimage.transform.warp and I keep tabbing over to the documentation, sighing, and tabbing away.

Weekend project: tinkering with cloud removal from Landsat stacks. Here the top two images are inputs and the bottom is output from them alone.

It’s strictly pixelwise and n→1 (deep set–style), so it scales to any stack depth. Notice it fills the nodata with the training set average color, and the cloud overlap with a sort of polite fog.

Sentinel-1 radar of Helene last night – 23:37 UTC, 19:45 EDT. The swath is about 250 km (150 mi) wide.

I have to finish my damn project so I can try to get interviewed on one of the big pansharpening podcasts.

Okay, folks. I’ve been asked by a lot of friends who aren’t following the AI discourse to sort of clarify what the main camps are arguing, how they approach the issues, etc. As a trusted observer, I’m happy to provide this orienting service. No questions or comments, please. Hope it helps!

Me, politely but firmly taking the jar of kimchi out of the shooping cart and putting it back on the shelf: Darling, remember we talked about how this isn’t authentically Korean because it contains an ingredient introduced in the sixteenth century? And how that means it’s not tasty?

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I’m not a religious man, but I do believe there’s insight and value in scripture.

[Insufferable grocery store customer voice:] So with both of these, that’s 100% off, right?

I relish the opportunities that software offers to remember that not everyone has the same perspective on whether, for example, things identified by their times should be sortable according to their times. What a gift this is; I honor and celebrate and wallow in this wonderful moment.

Plant ID, anyone? I picked up a handful of these from a free box in someone’s yard on my morning walk. The label just said “free succulents”.

Amusing myself by injecting false reflectances into pansharpening inputs. (CC BY-NC data from Maxar.)

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.