There’s a very culture-war–flavored bubbledness to a lot of the “AI” “discourse” that I (mostly accidentally) see, and I hate it.

People sure like making categorical statements about what’s possible, impossible, or inevitable with a level of self-confidence that does not befit grownups talking about the unknown.

In particular, I keep seeing this naïve quality to the delivery of controversial statements: a sense of “I’m revealing the truth to you, not making an argument; treat me as such.”

@vruba I didn’t know I needed to hear this but thanks for saying it once more louder for those in back

@migurski All I want is for people to stop acting like they looked at Wikipedia’s list of philosophical positions on AI, saw one they liked, and said “Ah, so this is the true one! Now, off to let everyone know!”

@vruba That excited honeymoon with a new idea that you’re trying to incorporate into every area of your life as you tell everyone who’ll listen about it


@migurski Especially if you’re Henry Kissinger.

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