It stopped raining for a second so I pulled out a multi-tool (aka, colloquially, a Fein tool which I thought was “fine tool” forever) and roughed out the siding.

I’ll go back after the sheathing is cut and make enough room for flashing and casing, which will be another two inches cut off the beveled cedar planks, but for now I just want to get the rough opening finished and finalize frame sizes, assuming the weather cooperates.

Window roughed in and blocked – the blocking is a little cockeyed here and there but it should suffice. And I think it’s even level!

Now for the rest of the owl…

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Flashing on, for certain very narrow definitions of “on”

In related news I’ve discovered something else I’m worst at! If you look closely you can see the ghosts of everyone who built this house rising from the foundations to bemoan my attempts, often in unison, with satirical verse

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No visible progress on the windows today. Turns out putting the blocking in very slightly changed the width of the bays, as they nudged the studs one way or another. Also: turns out the flashing tape has a thickness.

The upshot: my tolerances were so tight I had to resize three of the frames – shaved a quarter inch off of the widths and deepened the side notches.

Just battened down in advance of the weather band sweeping up from California. Taking tomorrow off.

(#officewindows 👈 mutable)

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@meetar @beep Hi, sorry to bother you, big fan, but I can’t find the Discord invitation?

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@vruba @beep coach always taught me to leave all the discord in the wall

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.