Very happy to see GK-2A* data posted for free as open data – I’ve been wanting to get my mitts on this for ages. I burnt out on the green band stuff I was working on but perhaps it’s time to restart.

* The South Korean member of the GOES-R and Himawari-8/9 family of geostationary weather satellites.

Next time I write a CV it’s going to have a line like “I relish learning new datasets and working to make sense of them” but it’s going to be a lie because here we see longitude stored in radians:

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Someone’s going to be like “Ah, but this is more theoretically pure, because—” Oh, all right, hot shot, it is theoretically pure to use -100000000000000 to mean undefined? Is that what a physicist would do? No, please, let us know.

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To my great though trivial annoyance, their processing pipeline cuts off the limb. It does look great, though, as expected. This is from the 4/20 eclipse, which @dscovr_epic also got an excellent frame of. Link to a 30 megabyte 1 km/pixel version:

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Just for my own sick amusement, here’s what happens if you white-balance off a cloud near totality and crop:

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@vruba Pirates kept one of their sensors covered with an eye patch for these situations.

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.