Mastodon people describing Blue Sky: Imagine 10,000 media-Twitter microcelebrities who are all proud to have been invited to the cool afterparty but also mortified they lost their follower counts; half of them go back to Twitter if Musk’s been out of the news cycle for 72 hours, and many are sincerely amused by coming up with the worst possible neologisms for the app’s wonky features. Everyone is pretending it’s Twitter in 2008 only this time they’re not as uncooly enthusiastic about Obama.


Blue Sky people describing Mastodon: Imagine an RSS feed of 10,000 Northern European cisbros whose homepage is the Talk tab of the Wikipedia page for Federation of Debian-Using Naturists: somehow, none of them has ever encountered American-style irony even once, but each of them badly wants to tell Americans, using the great tradition of debate, that they shouldn’t trust Trump, that their own home duchy hasn’t had any mass shootings or racism in many decades, and that yerba mate is delicious.

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And the horrible thing is, both of – okay, look, we all get the form I’m using here; fill it in mentally.

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.