I think the Nightshade algorithm is less like a poison and more like antibiotics. It works because it’s rare.
If it stops being rare, it will stop working.


@jes5199 I think it’s excellent experimental work, and I hope it inspires more work in this direction, and the way it’s being presented (not necessarily by its creators) is completely unrealistic.

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@jes5199 (A rule of thumb is that if you can gradient-descend your way into something, you can gradient-ascend your way out of it, and while this is not always true in practice, I think it at least complicates a lot of claims made for unbeatable adversarial this-and-that.)

@vruba indeed. the metaproblem is that there’s no way to tell if it’s working, so people may be happy to adopt some completely ineffective system

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.