@vruba Very basic but do you know about -F
and -f
? this gets me the 720p stream right now with yt-dlp version 2024.03.10: yt-dlp -f 311 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9C25Un7xaM'
@nelson I know about them but it’s possible I’m using them wrong. I picked a terrible time to post this, because the stream is both off and on the night side right now, but if you run that when it actually works, it seems to be much lower-quality than what plays in a browser at the same time.
@todrobbins @nelson The ISS stream is live again, and playing in the browser next to vlc playing the yt-dlp stream (with the settings above) shows pretty clear differences. The yt-dlp stream is oversharp on I-frames but struggles between them; it clearly isn’t good at the translational motion.
@vruba @nelson so odd!