I yoga'd too hard on Tuesday and my lower back is screaming at me. That's the only reason I'm inside staring at screens instead of running away from the world on a dirt trail.

I'm beginning to get better. Managed to shower, even. Yesterday was pretty bad. Went to urgent care and the walk from the room back to my car was so painful that I barfed after I got in. I'm not getting any scans, just need to take a lot of ibuprofen and be patient.

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@sgillies Christ. I have back problems but I’ve never had it that bad. Beyond vitamin I, Zanaflex and weed both help me a lot when it flares up, if that’s useful.

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@vruba I first read that as "weed broth" and discovered that the internet is full of recipes.

@sgillies (Primly telling my friends that I only eat weed for the flavor.)

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.