been trying to find "critical GIS" writing that actually gets into the political economy and history of the technology--like more than repeating Esri's own hagiography and more than a generalized gesture at "maps are tools of empire" and not sure if this is a me problem or what

generally "critical GIS" scholarship seems to fall into these camps:

- what is a point, really
- military industrial complex exist
- respect newbies, open source good

all perfectly interesting and valid observations, but also you're telling me nobody has tried to write a history of EPSG codes

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I tried looking in media studies literature for stuff that might get into this and there's some OK stuff on the weird culture rift between "real" GIS and web mapping stuff (which, in 2023, lol) but feels weird the discipline known for having all the Marxists doesn't seem to have a framework for talking about map tech relative to markets!

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