been trying to find "critical GIS" writing that actually gets into the political economy and history of the technology--like more than repeating Esri's own hagiography and more than a generalized gesture at "maps are tools of empire" and not sure if this is a me problem or what

generally "critical GIS" scholarship seems to fall into these camps:

- what is a point, really
- military industrial complex exist
- respect newbies, open source good

all perfectly interesting and valid observations, but also you're telling me nobody has tried to write a history of EPSG codes

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disappointed that this mostly got favs without recommendations, seems like a bad sign/fuck do I have to write a history of EPSG codes

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in my experience when people who don't do map stuff learn that the industry standard source for coordinate reference systems still used today was made by a professional association of oil geologists they think it's weird. (the Esri monopoly is less weird; Adobe or Maya tend to be the analogies that come up which makes sense I guess)

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@ingrid maybe adding some hashtags could help? 🤷‍♀️

@ingrid That sounds… Oddly interesting, in the sort of way that print on demand lends itself to.

This from the guy who bought and read the #postgres manual in three volumes, because highlighting on an e-reader is just different (and wrong).

@ingrid I’d read it! I didn’t know about the tie to Oil & Gas. All that mapping they do that (seems like) never reaches the light of day. Also, ugh, why couldn’t we have just kept with Proj strings or even WKT? If it’s not an EPSG code, you’re 🤬. (I work in planetary mapping and we’re just getting some standard EPSG codes for common projections).

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