apple shitpost Show more
a great time to double down on headset technology that has consistently failed to obtain widespread adoption is definitely during a recession
@ingrid and it can be yours for the low low price of several months rent
@nasser in brooklyn that's more like "a couple of months", with roommates
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@ingrid @nasser "several months" doesn't feel substantially more than "a couple of months" to me, even though when I was 10 i was convinced "several" meant 4 because i had a book with a drawing of "several cameras" and there were 4 cameras
@ranjit @nasser is it not called "several" because it is adjacent to "seven"
@ingrid @nasser ok that makes a lot of sense but i tell you there were only four cameras
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@ingrid @nasser does the apple thing say how many cameras are in the new headset? maybe we can agree that this number is the definition of "several"
@ranjit @ingrid we would have to consult the patent
@nasser @ingrid they may have several patents
This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.
apple shitpost
@ingrid and it can be yours for the low low price of several months rent