@ingrid If I was going to depict a fish in a leadership position, I would try to make them look less confused.

@ingrid tired: "cellar door"
wired: "two herrings haurient in saltire argent crowned"

@aparrish @kit @ingrid i was getting some "two noble houses both alike in dignity" vibes there

(you can tell they are noble because of the crowns, and they are equally undignified)

@ranjit @kit @ingrid finally we know what literary genius would result if shakespeare and coleridge joined forces

@aparrish @kit @ingrid

I'm sorry Ms Jackson 🎶
I am two herrings haurient in saltire argent crowned or

@ingrid That's quite the story, from imaginary trading concessions, pivoting into national debt consolidation, with a zinger from Isaac Newton on the booming stock price: "I can calculate the movement of the stars, but not the madness of men".

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.