
today I read the Vice bankruptcy documents and there is some weird stuff in there

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@ingrid oh wait duh i was thinking american apparel for some reason

@ingrid "how the hell did they get away with that?" weird, "what in the fuck?" weird, or "wait, why?" weird? Or something else?

@jordantcarlson a little of all three? Like vice owns a company called JT Leroy Holding LLC and paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to a mommy vlogger and I can't figure out why. Also, the executive compensation stuff is pretty how the hell.

@ingrid the executive comp stuff is just wild. Especially when like... they laid off Waypoint! a profitable, subscriber-driven venture within the company! just not an Endless Growth venture. (they managed to extract themselves and spinoff Remap, but holy hell, what a weird two months)

and I assume this is all just the recent stuff, since like... McInnes and ilk came from there, too. years ago.

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