
one reason I am pretty sure the tenure track job path is not for me is that I have post-it notes above my desk with definitions for "epistemology" and "ontology" that I have to look at literally every time I run into those words

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@ingrid it's taken me 17 years to get my head around 'epistemology' and I fear 'ontology' is a lost cause. I have 3 academic degrees.

@LauraC_rter I don't know why my brain actively refuses to retain "ontology" but good to know it's not just me

@ingrid what’s epistemology?? How should I know!?

@ingrid @nk ngl i routinely have to remind myself which stuff goes into which bucket

@ingrid i constantly look up “ontology;” feels like there’s some spell around the word so that as soon as you learn it, you forget it again.

@ingrid that you fit those on post-it notes suggests you are smarter than us.

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.