
Is it controversial to believe that Visions was a pretty good album and also a pretty good album eleven years ago isn't much of a defense for the rest of Grimes

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@ingrid I almost played it this morning and then just couldn’t.

@maxfenton yeah I haven't listened to any of her stuff for a long time but just feels dishonest to be like "I never liked her"

@ingrid I absolutely did. My favorite lore is that she product tested “Grimes” by running multiple alts on MySpace and pursuing the themes and sound of the one that became most popular.

Visions is great except you have to delete the last track from any playlist or uncheck it in iTunes and basically never get the album on physical media.

Miss Anthropocene is super good too.

@maxfenton I have only seen Discoursing about it but just put it in my mind

@ingrid I would not subject you to this degree of smooth brain goo

@ingrid yeah, I liked her early stuff, even saw her live like 10 or more years ago. Grimes now is a different beast.

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