truly the only thing worse than being overwhelmed and needing to get stuff off of your plate is sending an email to someone saying "I am overwhelmed and need to get stuff off my plate, sorry"


look it's completely OK to back out of things when you have unexpected life events that make it hard for you to show up to all the stuff

as long as you're not me, the only person who is a bad person for doing that

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I think the thing about taking things off of my plate is once I start I kind of just want to quit everything?? Which is counterproductive in a different way from the too many things

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like I went from "I will bow out of this panel" to "I should drop out of school and quit my podcast" over the course of an hour of thinking (I am not dropping out or quitting the podcast but I would like to get a raise for the podcast work)

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.