I'm teaching ethics of computer science to engineering students again this spring and while I'm probably keeping a lot of the format I used in 2019, I'm updating some of the readings. What are ppls recs for recent critical texts that undergrad engineers will be able to handle?


current additions include excerpts from @beep's You Deserve A Tech Union, Malcolm Harris' Palo Alto, @Mer__edith's Logic(s) essay on Babbage and plantation economics, and Josh Dzieza's LLM labor long read in The Verge earlier this year.

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@ingrid Molly White has written a lot of good stuff about cryptocurrencies, much of which addresses ethics, but off-hand i can't think of a piece primarily about ethics, besides her piece on effective altruism: https://newsletter.mollywhite.net/p/effective-obfuscation

@alys "ethics" is honestly not my preferred framing either, generally what I'm actually teaching in the class is political economy and organizing tactics lol

@ingrid yeah, it seems like ethics would encourage a more individualist perspective than what you're going for.

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