

might have burned a bridge today (called the ED of an arts org I hold near and dear to my heart "a coward" after he hemmed and hawed about the org's non-position on the genocide in Gaza while not actually using the word "Palestine" for about an hour) but apparently after I left the call it got a lot more productive so maybe I just took one for the team

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it's not even that I think a) arts orgs are some kind of tipping point that will change the trajectory or b) I even believe that this org has a ton to offer but they've been fundraising using POC and specifically Arab Muslim (and an antizionist Israeli who has been putting himself on the line a lot!) alums as evidence of their social justice bona fides and it just feels really gross! and I was mad!

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@ingrid thank you, this is the slow grind of how change happens

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.