Every time someone says "during the pandemic" to describe the past, as if the pandemic is not going on, I die a little inside.


@kendraserra I tend to distinguish as "during lockdown" if I'm talking about 2020 times? but even that sometimes feels like "back when all of this wasn't normal"

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@ingrid yeah, i say "deep pandemic" to refer to when we were working remotely. But it's hard not convey my frustration with the current state of things, in way that distracts from the conversation.

@ingrid @kendraserra I do “Covid Year One” like a creepy comics person but it works okay

@ingrid @kendraserra Not sure where you are, but I find any US-based reference to "lockdown" a little...odd.

What lockdown? 🤔

@jima @kendraserra I mean in NYC it definitely had lockdown vibes for most of March through June but I accept that a pedant might disagree

@ingrid @kendraserra OK, AIUI NYC did a HELL of a lot better than other parts of the country, so that's fair, sorry.

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This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.