Me in 2020: well, seems like journalism is not panning out for me maybe I'll go lie low in academia for a little while to figure out next moves

Me in 2024: lol, lmao


Should I pivot to working in oil and gas next because it seems like by the time I show up to an industry it starts getting murdered

· · Web · 5 · 1 · 26

@ingrid Ask me about my time in 1) the live music industry, 2) libraries, 3) bespoke web development and 4) freelance writing

@ingrid Recalling the late, much-missed sf author Howard Waldrop who had an admitted track-record of killing magazines. Half a dozen times in his career, he’d sell a story to a magazine/anthology, and the issue in which it was published would be the last one.

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.