faux pain for my real pas
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@nasser ughhgrrgaaarghhgaarrrrrrgggg
the Turf would also do
strong urge to go to BGH and sit in the sun with my eyes closed
Days like this I really miss Textism
whadda woild
@nasser that one was for you
favorite sign in Montana: “FALL LEAVES JESUS DOESN’T”
@david me reaping
[digs hole, whispers into it:] Ross Douthat is so cringe he almost makes me miss Christopher Hitchens
Back from a week out of range, more or less. Having a horrible data plan is a wonderful set of guardrails for limiting network presence, can recommend.
@nasser let the gpus do their favorite thing ♥️💚💙
@nasser wait is this about the trinity
how do i @ the pope
deepest smoky sympathies from the west coast <3
@david ftr this sounds terrifying
dog medical stuff, :/ Show more
@ingrid <3<3<3
I made a friend today!
leaving this open for the first bit and then SHUTTIN’ ER DOWN
This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.