@vruba I can’t believe the chaotic energy…of every single author having an ORCID id.

@urschrei I got an ORCID but I only kept it because it ends in X, because they use an ISBN-like checksum system that has 11 digits.

@vruba Me, the Devil: Pr’y thee, how was the seeing?
Goody Cloyse: Conditions were good, and the seeing was ≈0farcs8.

@vruba boggles the mind how vast the features they're talking about here are

@vruba Okay, I could tell that was mind boggling but I couldn’t really follow. Ars is all over it now, though, which I think has brought my “WWWWHHHAAAAAAT?” more in line with yours, in terms of comprehension. 😂


@vruba Also, point Webb at that shit, stat!

(…Webb is magic and always takes better pictures of everything, right?)

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.