@roseveleth @robinsonmeyer I don’t know from baseball and it is early April but like … this is already a thing in aviation, for example.
@vruba @robinsonmeyer I regret to say I will not be checking your math. And there is coverage of this that seems to say it's legit. https://apnews.com/article/baseball-home-runs-climate-change-2f05bcb73155ae63b8b6344b42dba33b I am skeptical just because the attempt to reduce something like home runs in baseball to discrete statistical factors feels basically impossible but sports stat nerds love this shit so what do I know.
@roseveleth @robinsonmeyer I’m looking at https://www.engineersedge.com/calculators/air-density.htm and around 15 °C, density seems to go up by almost half a % per 1 °C, and if we assume +2 °C on summer evenings, we have on average 1% less air per air these days, which passes a sniff test for me. You know, check my math, but.