
1. Without committing to any firm position, this is why “they’re just word prediction machines” is such a weak criticism of LLMs. There are things you can say about them that are both meaner and less reductive, so why turn to that one? But hey, I’m just a next-action machine, I guess.

2. More essays like this, I say. There are a lot of things I disagree with in it, but I never felt that my attention or the complexity of the issue was disrespected.

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Actually, I’ll walk that half a step back. I think “just word prediction machines” has some value for introducing people to the idea of an LLM from scratch. But it’s a bit of a “whales are like fish that breastfeed” thing – an orienting statement that is true-ish but really not a good place to stop.

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Like, “Keeping orcas in captivity is unethical because they’re basically just hairy sharks” is not a good argument.

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@vruba @sgillies The world is composed of ever-smaller social rings, as perhaps we all circle the drain . . .

@vruba @sgillies I dunno - that was darker than I meant it to be.

"ChatGPT, please write a tweet-length apology for bringing down the mood, in the style of Tom Robbins . . ."

@vruba @sgillies

"My sincere apologies, dear ones. Like a crow in a field of sunflowers, I unwittingly cast a shadow over your bright and joyous gathering. May my next words be a flock of butterflies, lifting your spirits to new heights. #sorrynotsorry "

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