Hello from the present, where it currently appears that Ireland’s paper of record (make of that what you will) has inadvertently run an opinion piece generated by an LLM.

@urschrei I’m grateful that a public rightly incensed by such impostures will demand a new level of scrutiny on all writing in papers of record, thus tightening up standards across the board and no matter the origin. Soon, thoughtless sophistry will seem as dated as cat-eye glasses and bushy sideburns.

@vruba this is the thing, of course. The opinion section was already utterly dire,and it’s not at all clear to me that this is a new departure in terms of the quality of the content. My main objection is on the basis of vibes.

@urschrei Oh, a hundred percent. I do unironically hope that LLMs improve everyone’s smarm/bullshit detectors, but I don’t dare actually predict it. “Increased nonsense will lead to lower tolerance for nonsense and thus less nonsense” is not a great argument.

@urschrei But perhaps “Does this sound like a chatbot wrote it?” is a filter so obvious that even opinion editors, the most dimwitted and credulous motherfuckers that God Herself could invent in 6,000 years of tinkering, might be able to grasp it.


@urschrei (To any opinion editors reading this, I’d just like to say I’m sorry for being mean and I actually think very highly of you. You can trust that this is a sincere and well-grounded opinion that represents a real constituency in good faith because I’m assuring you of it.)

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