ML nonsense 

Spent several days working out a cool optimization for a denoising diffusion model (addressing the noise continuously, modeling its full distribution at every step of t instead of working with quantized cumulative sums) and have now discovered why people don’t do it this way.

ML nonsense 

Turns out the derivative of sqrt(x) does some colorful things around x=0. I prefer not to pry, but it seems not to want to be bothered around there. I’m going to leave it be.

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ML nonsense 

Went back and read the main DDPM paper to check for clues.

And found this spot on page 4 where they specifically say that what I put all that effort into trying is a bad idea.

So that’s neat.

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ML nonsense 

Very mad at whoever did this to me.

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.