(I don’t follow these things closely and could be reading everything wrong, but the power vacuum opened by Reddit and Twitter’s problems seems like it has a few wonderful potentials and many frightening ones.)


(We could plausibly have big new social networks by the end of the year. Like, tens of millions of DAU of things we’ve never heard of today. That’s dizzying. I hope the fediverse can build the policy, culture, and UX needed to be The Thing but I worry it’s a lot likelier to be Patriot Bob’s Attention Economy and Crime Reporting App with the good-enough UI.)

@vruba Replacing Reddit is especially tough for a Masto/Twitter style platform because hashtags have proven insufficient for organizing communities around (compared to subreddits or the subfora that preceded).

@vruba what's really frustrating to me is that Reddit could have taken a decent shot at FB/Twttr if following someone included all their posts (and maybe comments?) on your TL, not just the ones targeting u/theirusername

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.