Curmudgeonliness & LLMs
I still think the discourse around LLMs right now is bad. By which I mean: most of the stuff I see on my feeds, boosted by people I like and whose ideals I tend to share, seems intellectually lazy, politically shortsighted, rhetorically misdirected, etc., in ways worse than we accept on other topics.
And yet! The average quality has gone way up over the last few months. And that gives me some hope.
Curmudgeonliness & LLMs
Partly I think the Anti faction seems to be doing a reasonable job of shifting from a “say scary and sweeping things at random to see what sticks” to “let’s try to articulate what actually concerns us here”, and that’s good. I am still not a card-carrying member of that camp, but I think it’s being a lot more honest now than it was in March, and I respect that.
Curmudgeonliness & LLMs
@vruba I’m definitely guilty of saying scary and sweeping things at random. Trying to calm down—to learn more and freak out less.
Curmudgeonliness & LLMs
@litherland There are many legitimately scary and sweeping things to be said.
Curmudgeonliness & LLMs
@doriantaylor @litherland I think this is a solid take, but that it has the potential to adjust the baseline more than some, and that’s worth thinking about.
Curmudgeonliness & LLMs
@vruba @litherland indeed; anything with pmarca's noseprints on it has big make fetch happen energy but it's not like there are no epiphenomena