“The present IP system can be abused by actors powerful enough to abuse all of our legal systems, therefore we need a much more restrictive IP system” really isn’t clicking for me.

I continue to feel that:

1. The “AI” companies’ PR is based in creating sense of inevitability, and people who don’t like what they’re doing feel bulldozed.

2. This bulldozed feeling is a goal of the PR strategy, because it manifests as anti-“AI” people pitching mostly poorly thought-out and easily dismissed arguments in desperation.

I say some version of this every six weeks and every six weeks I get three polite faves and that’s it, so discount as you see fit.

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@vruba I continue to consult your thinking on this whole ecosystem about, oh, once a week


@darius That’s flattering; I think of you as someone many steps ahead of me in thinking about such things.

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This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.